目前分類:~每天都是未來~ (62)

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In australia winter is almost over , weather will become more hot! So I' saved lots of my spending money to buy guitar and some T-shirt  and short pants. I spent 500  to buy my guitar I' likeit so much!! Whatsmore it is Fender's :))  After the guitar,I left 500$ to buy the clothes Dues is the place I went 3 for 70$ I heard from my bro it's cheep enough, so I spent 300$ to buy the T-shirts. But I don't my clothes all be DUES so I went to other places to find short pants. However the prices in the city was so dusgusitng!! A normal pants costs me 170$? Dam it! I only have 200$ left! So I gave up to buy pants in the city. Than I went to west field to search for pants. And the prices there really impress me. About 10$ to 20$ for each ! So cheep! So awesome! I was too happy as a result I bought 1X of clothes and I only spent 150$ XD  

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  • Aug 29 Mon 2011 16:53
  • 8/29

Today we had a debate in the acamdic english class. We separated into two groups and our topic is whether nuclear power should be used? (We are on the supporting side)I did some work before the debate and I think I didn't did a bad work. This is waht I said in the debate

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  • Aug 19 Fri 2011 17:29
  • 8/19

  well well well ~Things are becoming quite harder now.I said on the last paragraph math was my favorite subject . Its because math is one of the common languge in the world .However classes are begining to teach log and calculus :((. Log is something that I gaved

 up in high school and calculus is something I never learned = =    Its very hard to get these through but I'll still get it right!
  Expect of studing there are something interesting relationships about my classmates. After be more familiar with my classmates I have some conclusion with them.....Jazz a person I know at the first. I thought he can be a good friend but.....no. He always thinks he is the smartest= = Telling the turth He is really good at the subjects.But cant he be more modest= =?? Zeno I found that he is someone like me funny.not easy to be angry,not care too much about money......There are also many things thats so fun such as using #31# to talk to someone about Jellyfish and stork market....This always make me feel fun also bother other classmates by this.......he came to Au for haft a year so he knows many places to have fun:)) This weekend we're going to the opera house to have dinner with other classmates althougth there are only males....quite of tragic.No matter!! I have been doing this for 19years!!The only different is Im in AU now and I used to be in Taiwan:(( 

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  • Aug 13 Sat 2011 20:07
  • 8-13

日記 周末晚上不想念書就練一下writting  特地在無名練習  反正無名也沒甚麼人再用了從FB 回到吳明也有點懷舊感  我也不期待任何人看完  直到剛剛我才發現我打了這麼多  應該沒人有興趣想看 看到這麼多英文我自己也不想再看一次= = 

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Now~ I back to here again ! cuz I dont wanna to keep a diary on facebook the reason is facebook is too open and no privately as a result  this is a perfect  place!!  I guess.....    I am not expect someone gonna to see this and Im not typing this for anybody. If someone see articals here I glad to chat with you ! If youcan tell me where I am wrong spelling or grammar I'll be very happy! Okey firstly Im gonna to say 華航 is such a boshit airline! Foods there just makes me wanna die=(( However the weather here is perfect to me!!  The air is cold but the sun still shines although its a little cold in night ....well.....I hope this is because of its winter now!!

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超噓!  不思奕之搞笑事件部

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  • Mar 01 Tue 2011 21:46
  • 三月

有了FB大家都部用無名了 我也是 

有甚麼關係呢!  對我來說無名像日記~

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