日記 周末晚上不想念書就練一下writting 特地在無名練習 反正無名也沒甚麼人再用了從FB 回到吳明也有點懷舊感 我也不期待任何人看完 直到剛剛我才發現我打了這麼多 應該沒人有興趣想看 看到這麼多英文我自己也不想再看一次= =
- Aug 13 Sat 2011 20:07
- Jul 02 Sat 2011 22:22
This is a new begining
Now~ I back to here again ! cuz I dont wanna to keep a diary on facebook the reason is facebook is too open and no privately as a result this is a perfect place!! I guess..... I am not expect someone gonna to see this and Im not typing this for anybody. If someone see articals here I glad to chat with you ! If youcan tell me where I am wrong spelling or grammar I'll be very happy! Okey firstly Im gonna to say 華航 is such a boshit airline! Foods there just makes me wanna die=(( However the weather here is perfect to me!! The air is cold but the sun still shines although its a little cold in night ....well.....I hope this is because of its winter now!!